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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


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So...every Marketing Weenie® gets to bathe in the credit EXCEPT for the illustrator / designer actually responsible for bringing to life the memorably stylish imagery.

How very UNsurprising.

"I built that!"

Doesn't seem to be any art directors in that village.

"So...every Marketing Weenie® gets to bathe in the credit EXCEPT for the illustrator / designer actually responsible for bringing to life the memorably stylish imagery.

How very UNsurprising."

you seriously haven't come across this 'kind of thing' before? it's standard practice. unfortunately.

Consider your jackasses kissed.

Have seen this situation all too often, hence the "UNsurprising" closeout.

Oh well. Most of the posters that agencies showcase on their websites were done by designers who are not working for them anymore.

I'm pretty sure Josh Greenstein's going to want his name on there, too.

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