"When posters and other key art were created, [Michael] Bay - who categorically hated everything he was seeing - wouldn't approve them, causing further delays. He told the L.A. Times that the in the poster for The Island, [Scarlett] Johansson looked like 'a porn star.' And though it was Bay talking, he didn't mean it as a compliment.
The situation between the director and [DreamWorks] marketing became more combustible when Warner Bros., which was handling the international marketing, entered the picture.
In one meeting, after Sue Kroll, head of Warner Bros.' international marketing, showed Bay a mockup of a poster for The Island made on specially treated silver paper (which was later deem prohibitively expensive), the director went wild. Turning to the DreamWorks executives in the room, he said, 'You guys don't know what your doing, but Warner Bros. is the best! DreamWorks - you suck!'"