What To Name The Baby
If you’re like us, you know the hardest part of starting a new business is coming up with a name for it. Unless the name comes to you first and the business follows in due course. (Which is how we ended up running a funeral parlor in the Sierras called Mammoth Undertaking.)
So, if you’ve got your heart set on opening up your very own entertainment advertising agency and you’re stumped as to what to call your workers’ paradise, we offer these suggestions:
1. Fanciful, Pickwickian names that speak to a muted ecstasy deep within your soul:
Graphic Infection
Dr. Lovefont's Feel Good Designatorium
Breakfast At Epiphany's
Unbridled Enthusiasm, Inc.
2. Manly names intended to obscure what is really a silly, fussy occupation:
The Tool Shed
The Steal Mill
Creative Sweat Shop
Art Butcher
3. Solipsistic names that slyly reference esoteric aspects of this industry:
The Whinery
White Slavers of The Westside
Creative Panderers
One Sheet To The Wind
Plus these gems submitted by our readers:
Polish Chop Shop
Helvetica Unlimited
Simmerin' Bacon O' Fryin'
B. F. D.
Fart Machine
Stockholm Syndrome
Small Vox
Ruptured Arterie
Petrol Refinery
Fox Inthechickenhouse
Art Misery